Game in a week: Slice Vegatables

This is the 3rd game of my challenge: to make games in a week. I select a successful, presumably simple, game and try to reimplement it as much as I can within a week. For the first reference I took the game Perfect Slices.

Decomposition into a plan

This is the plan in the order of execution:

  1. Cutting board (model)
  2. Vegetables
    1. Eggplant, potato (models)
  3. Vegetable Spawner
  4. Knife
    1. Model
    2. Cutting
    3. Moving
    4. Cutting animation
  5. Wood obstacle (model)
    1. Hitting a wood obstacle
    2. Hitting animation
  6. Win screen
    1. Confetti
    2. Scores
  7. Progress bar
  8. Speed
    1. Woosh effect
    2. UI element
  9. Garbage destroyer
  10. Effect of falling apart
  11. Splashes (effect)
  12. Percent of misses
    1. Star rating
  13. Fog
  14. Minimum time
  15. Sound of cutting
  16. Carrot model

What I planned but didn’t have time to implement

  1. Ending cutscenes
  2. Knife upgrades
  3. Level failure (metal obstacle)

The most time-consuming part for me was preparing the slices in Blender. I'm a complete novice in it.

Here is the screenshot showing the hierarchy of objects.


Soon I'm going to pick the next game.

Help keep me accountable! Follow me on Twitter or Itch.

Feel free to educate me. Leave any questions, comments, suggestions, or improvements on the code and the game itself.

Files Play in browser
Jul 22, 2023

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